A Season of Change

Recipe for Category Food Tips, Hints & Articles

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Contributed by Jennifer Peachey

Have you noticed how long the days are getting? Spring is definitely on it’s way. We can soon look forward to more fresh local produce like lettuce, spinach, radishes, and chard. Not far behind will be asparagus and cabbage. After these there will be cucumbers, beans, carrots, peppers and tomatoes. There is always something to look forward to as the seasons change.

This spring marks another change for me. After two years, less one week, of writing for Urban Harvest I will be refocusing my energies on another endeavour and unable to write. I would like to say thank you to Lisa and David for being so wonderful! It has been my honour to get to know these two, enthusiastic, motivated, gentle people. They gave me the fantastic opportunity to use my desire to write. I appreciated their confidence in my abilities and patience while I honed my skills. I enjoyed the excuse, one day a week, of having to research something that interested me.

I would like to thank all the customers for the positive feedback, recipes and article ideas. I hope I was able to supply everyone with helpful information and a recipe or two to use forever. If I inspired at least one person to eat, cook or feel better it was well worth the effort. I look forward to reading articles and recipes from someone new.

My energies will now be focused on trying to inspire and pass information to clients at Herbal Magic. The company is new in Kelowna but has a ten-year history of serving people in Canada. Although advertised as a weight management centre, they address many health concerns. I’m looking forward to brushing up on my herbs and being able to use the knowledge I’ve obtained from writing for Urban Harvest.

Thanks and good-bye to all. I leave you with a different recipe of my own.

Jenn Peachey.

Recipe for Life (from my head and heart)

1 part respect for your own body
1 part respect for those around you
1 part respect for the earth
equal parts: understanding & patience
1 large scoop of desire to learn
equal parts: compassion & empathy
a pinch of forgiveness (for self and others)
1 large smile

Combine well and use generously all day long!





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