Curried Mustard Greens & Garbanzo Beans with Potatoes

Recipe for Category Glorious Greens

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Contributed by (Recipe adapted from “World’s Healthiest Foods” at


2 medium Russet Potatoes, peeled and sliced thin
1 medium Onion, cut in half and sliced thin
3 medium cloves Garlic, sliced
1/2 C + 1 Tbs Vegetable broth
1/2 tsp Curry powder
1/4 tsp Turmeric
1 bunch Mustard greens, rinse, remove stems and chop
1 15oz can diced Tomatoes
1 15oz can Garbanzo beans, drained
3 Tbs extra virgin Olive oil
Salt and white Pepper to taste


Bring water to a boil in a steamer with a tight fitting lid. Peel and slice potatoes in fairly thin slices so they will steam quickly, 5-10 minutes. While steaming potatoes, slice onion and garlic. Heat 1 Tbs broth in 12inch skillet. Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes stirring frequently, until translucent. Add garlic, curry powder, turmeric, and mustard greens. Cook stirring occasionally until mustard greens are wilted, about 5 minutes. Add garbanzo beans, diced tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes. Mash potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper. If you need to thin potatoes more you can add a little broth. Serve mustard greens with mashed potatoes.

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