Just Add the (Valentine's )Card

Recipe for Category Special Holiday Recipes

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Contributed by Jennifer Peachey

Like most things, there are two theories on the origin of Valentine’s Day. One is that it is based on an ancient Roman celebration in honour of the goddess Juno and Lupercus, the protector of the city. During this celebration unmarried women and men would be randomly coupled for an evening. The Christians later outlawed this festival and replaced it with Saint Valentine’s Day. The day was named after Valentine, a priest who, against the Emperor’s rule, wed young women and men. Marriage apparently interfered with the plans to send men to war. Valentine was eventually beheaded for his actions. Either way, Valentine’s Day is about couples and love.

When one thinks about food and love the word aphrodisiac comes to mind. Encyclopedia Britannica says an aphrodisiac is a food that causes a psycho-physical reaction based on it’s visual satisfaction, olfactory stimulation, and oral gratification by rich, savoury dishes. These foods need not be fancy, expensive or complicated to prepare. The simple recipes below, with their vibrant colour and sweet and hot flavours make an ideal Valentine’s Day meal.

All you need to add is a card, a kiss and maybe a simple “I love you.”

The following recipes can be found in the "Vegetable Side Dishes" section of our Recipe Archive:

1) "Glazed Radishes"
2) "For the Apple of My Eye" (Kale and Apple)
3) "Vesuvius Love Apples" (Tomatoes)





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